Discord share application window. How to screen share on Discord

Discord share application window. How to screen share on Discord

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How to Use Discord's Screen Share Feature.


Jump to a Section. This article explains how to share your screen on Discord for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Sharing your screen to a voice channel is extremely easy. Just remember that anyone who joins the voice channel will be able to view your stream if they want to. If you only want to share your screen with specific people, don't use this method. You can only share your screen in a voice channel if you have permission to do so. If you find that you aren't able to, ask the server admin how to get that permission.

If the admin won't give you permission, you won't be able to share your screen on that server. Here's how to share your screen on Discord using a voice channel:.

Launch the game that you want to share via Discord. Click a Discord server in your server list, and then click a voice channel in the list of voice channels on the left. Look for the banner underneath the voice channel list that shows the name of the game you are playing, then click the screen share icon that looks like a computer display with a smaller recording icon set into it.

When you move your mouse cursor over the screensharing icon, you will see text pop up that reads Stream the game you are playing. Verify the settings, and click Go Live. Click Change if Discord has selected the wrong game or app, and click the name of the voice channel you are in if you want to change to a different one.

Other users in the same voice channel will now be able to view your screen share. For the duration, you will see a small box in the bottom right corner of Discord that shows what you are streaming, and you will see a LIVE icon next to your name in the voice channel. To stop, click the Stop Streaming icon, which looks like a monitor with an X in it.

If you want to screen share something other than a game, like a web browser , or if Discord simply doesn't recognize that you are currently playing a game, there's a pretty easy workaround. The same general process is the same, but you need to use the basic Discord screen sharing tool instead of the game streaming shortcut.

Launch the game or app you want to share. Launch Discord, open the server you want to use, and join a voice channel. Next to the text Screen , select the screen share icon that looks like a monitor with an arrow. Click Applications if you want to share an app, then select the app you want to share, and click Go Live. Alternately, you can click Screens if you want to share an entire display, select the correct display, and click Go Live.

Your stream will become available to anyone who joins the voice channel, and you will see a small box in the bottom right corner of Discord that shows what you are streaming. In addition to Discord servers and voice channels, you can also communicate with friends via direct message. The default method involves conversing with a single person via text chat, but you can add additional people to a DM and even initiate a voice or video call.

If you start such a call, share your screen to everyone who has been invited to the DM. Unlike the method that uses a Discord voice channel, this method allows you tight control over who can view your stream, and it also doesn't require you to use any specific Discord server. To use this method, you first need to add your friends on Discord. Once you're friends, they will show up in your DM list and you will be able to call them. Here's how to screen share through a Discord direct message:.

Launch Discord, and click the Discord logo in the upper-left corner. Click the Call icon near the top right that looks like a phone handset. Click the Turn on Screen Share icon that looks like a monitor with an arrow in it.

Select the game or application window to stream, and click Share. Your stream will appear in a large window above the text portion of the DM.

To stop streaming, move your mouse over your stream and click the screen icon with the X in it. When you share your screen, you can allow a single person to view your game stream, a small group of friends, or anyone who has access to a specific Discord server and voice channel.

There are two ways to share your screen in Discord:. The first method allows for more flexibility as anyone who has access to the voice channel can check out your stream, while the second method is useful if you only want to screen share with a specific group of people. If Discord doesn't detect your app, select the Settings gear icon next to your user profile, select Activity Status , then make sure Display currently running games as a status message box is on.

Next, relaunch Discord and try again. You can't screen share if the app is in full-screen mode. In a voice call, swipe up from the bottom of the screen and tap the Screen Share icon. In a video call, tap the Screen Share icon the phone with an arrow in the bottom row of controls. Connect your Nintendo Switch to your computer , display the game in a video player, then share it on Discord.

You can do the same with a PlayStation. Xbox consoles have an app that lets you stream Xbox games on Discord. In a web browser, open the streaming website and go to a voice channel.

Select Screen and choose the browser tab with the content you want to play. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests.

You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings , which can also be found in the footer of the site. By Jeremy Laukkonen. Jeremy Laukkonen. Jeremy Laukkonen is automotive and tech writer for numerous major trade publications. When not researching and testing computers, game consoles or smartphones, he stays up-to-date on the myriad complex systems that power battery electric vehicles.

Tweet Share Email. In This Article Expand. Share From a Voice Channel. Share Other Content. Use a Direct Message. How It Works. Frequently Asked Questions. What to Know In a voice channel, select the Screen Share icon next to the game you are playing, or select Screen at the bottom.

In a direct message, select the Call icon, then select the Screen Share icon. You can share any app via Discord, including web browsers or your entire screen. You can share any app via Discord, including web browsers, but games are easiest.

Why can't I screen share on Discord? How do I share my screen in the Discord mobile app? Was this page helpful? Thanks for letting us know! Email Address Sign up There was an error. Please try again. You're in! Thanks for signing up. There was an error. Tell us why! More from Lifewire.


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There are a number of causes that could be behind this issue, from missing permissions to outdated hardware. When applicxtion go to start a screen share either privately or in an audio channelDiscord will identify the software discord share application window your list of applicatoon applications.

If the required permissions are blocked, Discord might not be able to record and stream your screen on any platform. If you attempt to stream a discord share application window screen application or game, your viewers will likely see a black screen instead.

You may also be able to switch to windowed mode by using the window controls in the top left for Mac, while holding the Shift key or top right for Windows sections. To do this in games, however, you may need to access the settings menu. Make sure to choose windowed or borderless to ensure a near-full screen experience while allowing Discord to record and stream your screen. Some users have reported that this causes screen sharing issues, including displaying a flickering or windows app not 4k netflix app not 4k screen during streaming.

Hardware acceleration uses the power of your graphics card to help handle the load of certain Discord share application window applications. However, if your screen recording is stuttering or failing to work, it could point to an issue with hardware acceleration, especially on older PCs.

Alternatively, switching from your browser to the Discord app, or removing and reinstalling the app, could help to fix the problem. While a corrupt installation is unlikely, reinstalling Discord or switching to a clean installation of the app can be нажмите для продолжения good way discord share application window clear any conflicting cache files or settings.

Discord is updated regularly with new bug quickbooks 2012 windows and feature releases. For the cutting edge fixes, you could think about switching to Discord Canarythe alpha discord share application window release of Discord. While Discord share application window Canary is considered unstable, it could include new bug fixes that resolve unknown issues with your screen recording. There are alternatives, however, with Slack available for more serious communities.

Ben Stockton is discord share application window freelance technology writer based in the United Kingdom. In a past life, Ben was a college discprd in the UK, training teens and adults. Since leaving the classroom, Ben has taken his teaching experience and applied it appllication writing tech disxord guides and tutorials, specialising in Linux, Windows, and Android.

He has a degree in History and a postgraduate qualification in Computing. Read Ben's Full Bio. Subscribe to Help Desk Geek and get great guides, tips disvord tricks on a shhare basis! We only send useful нажмите чтобы узнать больше We will never spam you, unsubscribe at any time.

Discord Screen Share Not Dscord Table of Contents. Subscribe on YouTube! Did you enjoy this tip? We applicatiion Windows, Mac, software and apps, and have a bunch of troubleshooting tips and how-to как сообщается здесь. Click the button snare to subscribe!

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